Growth and Reflection

Over the past few months I have been taking a class called creative writing. I actually didn’t write that much, and I’m not entirely happy about that. I did happen to learn a lot about myself, and I think that has to be the one  of the most important things about it. I am thankful that I took it because of that.

I think the most important thing that I have learned throughout this semester of creative writing would have to be the fact that you cannot censor yourself. I don’t mean that in the way of just writing whatever the heck you want, but that while writing, it’s important to keep your focus on just that. Writing. You can’t go through something, and constantly keep editing yourself. The whole point of a first draft is to get something down. Before this semester I could sit down at an assignment for hours trying to think of the best way to convey an idea. In the end I wouldn’t even finish it due to the fact that I could hardly even get through it. One thing that helped me realize this was the activities where we had to sit down for ten minutes and just write. It sounds horrible, but it made me realize that if I just start writing I can get a lot down, which is something that I wasn’t able to do before. I could write one heck of a paragraph, but in the end I needed a two page essay, and I think that’s the main reason that this was the most important thing that I have learned this semester.

I learned a lot about myself this semester. Mostly my flaws but I also figured out a lot of what I am good at. Unfortunately, I seem to be pretty good at writing about myself. No, I’m just kidding, but I really did enjoy writing the memoir and the personal essay, which I named this portfolio after! One big thing about myself that I learned recently, was how much I second guess myself, and incidentally how much that was affecting my work. As I said before I can’t get through a paper without editing, overthinking, and trying to improve it before it’s even finished. My grade in this class can speak for that if you don’t believe me. Too many nights, unable to form coherent sentences without being analyzed can lead to late work. I also have a problem with inspiration. I find it hard to write without being inspired. Which is wrong. I heard a quote one day, and this applies to me perfectly. It says that “Amateurs write when they are inspired. Yet professionals write when they aren’t.” I find inspiration to be like a neglectful mother – only embracing those whom she considers deserving of her care, and taking her good time between visits. Over the past few months, I’ve been learning to not be hindered by this. If I can take one thing away that would help me the most in my journey as a writer, it would be that I should just write. If I can do that, at least I’ll have content.

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”

– Søren Kierkegaard

The Dream

I went on a walk today. I’ve been doing that a lot lately, with a friend of mine. I used to take walks a lot during the school year, but when summer comes around, I really don’t get out of the house. So for the past week I guess, I’ve been catching up with this friend of mine, and we just talk. We literally talk about everything, and anything. Today we mostly focused on me, and something that’s been bothering me lately, which is the fact that the future is so close. That sounds really cheesy, but for me, college is right around the corner, and I have no idea what to do with my life. For a while I wanted to go to film school, and I still do to a certain degree. I would love to become a film director, and that’s a dream I’ve had for a while.  As I write this down, I cannot help but to think of the impracticality of going to film school. Thousands and thousands of people try everyday to get into the entertainment business, and it just doesn’t work out for them. How am I any different? Truly, I don’t know. I wan’t to be a writer, maybe an actor on the side. The only thing I know is to do what I love. I am a firm believer in God, and that he can affect my life in ways I cannot imagine. He already has, I know that. To me, this desire doesn’t stem from a child who wants to be noticed. I know that whatever the choice I make in a few years, I am solely reliant on his will, and I trust that he will lead me on my rightful path. If my dream will glorify God, and is uplifting to others, I would have to say I’m on the right path. So yes, maybe I’m crazy but, I guess what I want to say is that, it’s important to have dreams. The world may tear you down, but in the end, it’s important that you follow what you believe to be right and glorifying to God.

My friend just started a blog also! You should check hers out at Secrets of a Chameleon

‘When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid. Thank you.”

-Lupita Nyong’o

How Much Time?

In my first post, I mentioned that in May, I got some bad news… Well everything started before May, but that’s when I found out. I’m not going to go in depth with it, or even say what it was, but really the future is uncertain. I can say that for everyone, as well as myself, so that isn’t like pure wisdom for you (if it is, let this be a wake up call). But what I want to convey here is that “life” is short, not necessarily life itself, but the moments and stages of it are always fleeting, and uncertain. This isn’t a bad thing. Life is precious, and you have to make every second of it count! So if that means not caring what people think about you, go ahead! Be the person you have always dreamed of. If that means losing weight, dying your hair, starting new relationships, or coming out of your anti-social shell, by all means, make that happen! How much time do we have? No one knows the answer, but what is certain is that you cannot live to please others. If you do, what’s the point? You won’t be happy in the end. So make sure you aren’t living a lie, and in the end, have nothing to change!

“What makes life valuable is that it doesn’t last forever, what makes it precious is that it ends.” 

– Gwen Stacy 😉

The First Step

Almost every summer for as long as I remember, involves me staying home all day; taking care of the house, doing a set list of chores, and having no social life whatsoever. I literally, do not talk to one person from school in the summer. Partially because, I truly don’t like most of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis during the school year, and the fact that I value the separation that comes along with vacation. Now I’m not socially awkward, or one of those homeschooled, sheltered geeks (which many of my friends are, so I don’t judge), but I just don’t like talking to people on “summer vacation”. During the school year, I’m completely normal and I do hang out with people, but it’s like when you go to the beach for a week; you don’t take calls when you’re trying to relax. Most of my friends go and hang out throughout the span of summer vacation, while I sit at home by myself, binge watching doctor who. This isn’t to say that I don’t get out, I do go on walks and go out with my family, but I don’t hang out with peers in the summer. But these past few months have changed me. Normally I don’t care that I don’t talk to people. I usually enjoy the privacy, but this past summer has been really hard for me. So I am stepping officially stepping out of my shell! Today was the first step towards social interaction during vacation.  I decided that I needed to get out, so I texted up a friend and we went on a walk. It was perfect, for about three hours we just talked. I need that, and I am realizing more and more of what I am missing out on. Social interaction is not only fun, but it is crucial to create your own identity. Surrounding yourself with not only the people you love, but the people who love you back is one of the greatest things you can do. Real friends will not only share your pain, but they remind you of who you are.

“One can acquire everything in solitude except character.”

A New Start

For a while now I have been struggling. Struggling with a lot of things actually. In May, my family and I received some bad news, and that’s just one problem out of many. Everything started to spiral down for me a while ago, and I guess that this, is my wake-up call. For the past few days, I have really been thinking to myself ,about the future, and what my life would look like if I keep heading down the same path that I’ve been going. Obviously I don’t see a positive outcome at the moment. So I guess what this is all about would have to be, a new start. I want a clean slate, a fresh beginning. I need to reinvent myself. I want to lead a healthier lifestyle (spiritually, as well as physically). But that’s just the start.  Before I really didn’t have a future, I wasn’t going anywhere in life, and that is going to change. This blog is my first step in the right direction.

I know pain, and this is my step out of it. I know joy, and this is my journey into it.